Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thank You

When I started blogging, I didn't think I would keep at it for more than a few months, let alone a year. I had enough things going on in my life with a full-time job, an attention-demanding 3 1/2 year-old girl, an even more attention-demanding pregnant wife, books, music, movies, and ofcourse, writing reviews for all the Tamil movies. With my wife already saying that I spent way too much time on the computer, I predicted that my blogging would die a quick death once the initial fascination wore off.

But as of today, its lasted a full year. And complete credit for that goes to you readers. Its doubtful if I would've continued blogging without all the feedback and the increasing number of hits(that's on the site and not from my wife :-) So thank you for continuing to visit inspite of my staunch, self-imposed resolution to focus on the trivial and the frivolous. And thank you for the interesting discussions, entertaining arguments and fun trivia.

For the statistically-inclined, this is my 452nd post and the maximum number of hits in a single day so far was recorded on December 12 last year (you know what that day was, don't you?). And for a little flashback, here, based purely on the number of comments received, are the 2 most popular posts so far on this blog...

Sivakasi Review
Most Memorable Lines in Tamil Cinema

On to Year 2 :-)


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Kaps said...

Your passion for movies amazes me. This is a must visit blog in my daily blog calendar. Congrats and keep up the good work!

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Balaji!

You have been doing a great job. I read your blog religiously everyday. Its absolutely addictive. As they say in Brokeback,"I wish I knew how to quit you(r blog)". Not that I will even if I knew how.

Keep up the excellent job.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

greetings from germany and all the best. your blog and site are - both - great jobs done. i prefer reading on them. keep on writing


(its interesting how many people have their one year celebration of blogging right these days)

At 9:15 PM, Blogger மு.கார்த்திகேயன் said...

Congrats Balaji..

This is not an easy job to make people to read your blog, with such expectation..My hand always go to favorites once I logged-In into the system..If I didn't find your latest post, I will make a try for 5 more times. Exactly speaking, I get addicted to this.

Keep Good Work..

At 9:58 PM, Blogger anantha said...


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep them coming :-)

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Balaji, please say that it is not.. but the way this post reads.. it doesn't just say "thank you," but also somehow tries to bid adieu/bye bye in some way to this blog.. Say it isn't so.. and that you are not leading us all up to saying "Thanks......... and good bye"..

I hope not.. but then, if you do end up saying that, I won't be surprised. You have two young kids at home looking to spend time with you when you get back from work.. I can see how our priorities eat us up at most times..

Regardless.. congrats to you on holding on to bbthots for so long.. it is indeed a testament to your excellent writing style and passion for movies...

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Balaji said...

kaps/anon, thanx :)

michael, thanx. always wondered about links to my blog from your site(i think the last one was my post on valentine's day). now i know :)

karthik/prasanna, thanx :)

anti, right back at ya :)

venkat, thanx. and i hope to write a lot more too :)

ferrari, will do :)

sandya, thanx. and no, no such ideas of bidding goodbye. i'm having too much fun to stop blogging :)

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Rajesh Thiagarajan said...


Initially I was a regular reader of your bbreviews. I esp like the reviews on older movies. If time permits write more about old movies.

Been visiting your blog very regularly since 6 months now. You are doing a very impressive job.

Happy Birthday to bbThots ! And wish your blog - many more happy returns of the day.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Vidya said...

I want to go to a moovie on sat.. then what do I choose.. well log on to Balaji's Thoughts for all the latest in the movie world....Just kidding.. I love ur flash fictions, the friday Jumbles.. I do them but never send them tho.. Stories about your daughter.. the digraph post.. and the like.. Its nice to drop into your blog.. Keep more posts coming.

and Congrats!!!


At 3:22 AM, Blogger Maverick said...

Congrats!! I would say that your blog is one place to get the best of Tamil movie reviews and a few audio reviews and some celebrity gisu-gisu and happenings. Indha 2nd year la any plans to shift focus?

At 4:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Balaji, I've been a daily reader of bbthots for a long time now, I enjoy your writing & the discussions that take place here even though I never commented myself...

Congrats & best wishes on bbthots' 1st b'day & hoping for many more :)

I've become a dedicated Tamil cinema buff (being non-Tamilian) due to bbthots :-)

Like others have mentioned before, I admire your ability to juggle so many things in your life & still be so committed to this blog...


At 4:41 AM, Blogger Meera said...

I remember the quiz u had after looking at imDb. It killed me the whole day to come up with answers. I bugged my whole family into thinking. Ur blog is a daily dose of coffee. I love ur comments on the tamil movies ,the passion and the knowledge amazes me. I also like the way u talk abt ur wife. Must be a very interesting character.
Keep it goin, let the review start rolling.

Psst:I'm also slightly inclined to this blog cos ur thalaivar's fan

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Me too said...

Many happy returns of the day, BB! Your bbthots had been my window to the blog world! I'm missing my Chennai arattais a little less now! Great going, multi-tasker(Mrs. BB mannippaaraaga!)!

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Filbert said...

Great going Balaji!! Congrats & expecting more from you in the new year (but how can you better after you have given us 452 posts in a single year!! Thats just amazing...) When there are so many bloggers out there struggling to even write 1 post a week, here you are with an average of more than 1 post a day.

Congrats again..

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years before I accidentally found your site for reviews - and I was pretty impressed by it. I read your review before watching the movie and definitely after too just to compare notes.
Only a few days ago I discovered that you have a blog and this was even better than your reviews!!
Congratulations on your completion of 1 year and I hope you continue your blog.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work Balaji. I think I started with an argument feedback with you on Sethu's review :) and have ever since been hooked. Like the other readers mentioned, the blog is even better than the review page. Kudos!

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job and keep going man!


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Preethi said...

Congrats Balaji, like many already mentioned, my day doesn't start if I don't visit 4-5 blogs and URS is always in there. I shud also mention that I admire your ability to come up with a post daily. Man, that's something I cud never do. Also, ur reviews on movies are too good. They give us a good insight of what to expect. Looking forward to many more anniversarys in future. ALL THE BEST!

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Gladtomeetin said...

Congratualtions !!! Visited your post through my friends...

Keep Rocking ;-))

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Kumari said...

I came here for a review and I remember spending the afternoon reading all your archives (being a newlywed, bored housewife on American shores largely helped). And i have been coming back ever since :D

Happy Blog-aniversary :)

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Balaji said...

rajesh, have been wanting to restart the Rewind section on bbreviews for awhile since many have asked for it. just lack of time :)

zero, thanx. i'm pretty sure thats not true. but will accept it anyway :)

vidya, looks like u've liked all parts of my blog. thanx :)

mav, i think the only rule i follow on this blog is that i won't write about anything too serious. there's enuf seriousness around us already :) no plans to change that for sure :)

deepa, hope this is the 1st of many comments :)

me, yep. very interesting for sure :)

me too, thanx :)

filbert, hope it wasnt quantity over quality :)

anon, better late than never! and btw, i always do that(compare notes after seeing the movie) with english reviews i read :)

shwetha/packer, thanx :)

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Balaji!! And keep up the good work. :)

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Balaji.

I think I've said this before, but I wish I had your time management skills (2 kids + work + reviews + blog + replies to blog responses), and patience (sitting through all those half-star and 1-star movies!)

At 8:32 PM, Blogger மு.கார்த்திகேயன் said...

I don't see music reviews in your blogs now-a-days..What about ARR's Godfather and recent released HJ's Vettaiyadu Velaiyadu..You can post music reviews like movie reviews Man..
Seeing music reviews becomes a rare occasion here..

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Bart said...

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At 8:57 PM, Blogger mitr_bayarea said...


Kudos on the first year of awesome blogging. Both Karthik and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading ur blogs, esp. the movie reviwes which serve as standards for our film watching outings, plus the friday afternoon word jumbles that we've solved across offices.

Finally, i am currently into James Patterson- the Alex Cross series....thank you!

Let the blogging saga continue....

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Bart said...

Hey Balaji, wonderful to know just an year is up.. Keep our daily 'refreshing visits' go on as before.. An "ulta" Frost quote dedicated to you:
But you have promises (unmade) to keep,
And reels to go before this sleeps,
And years to go before this sleeps... :)

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Raju said...

Congrats, Balaji!! I knew it was coming, but since you never mentioned about ur 100th post, or 100 K hits, I thought you might skip this one too.. One year of constant blogging is awesome.. The first-ever blog that I read was yours and I entered into blogging thanks to you.. Though I have agreed on most of your reviews, my active blogging started with a defense on Kamalhaasan (remember?). We need to thank you for your nice blogging.

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Balaji! I surely agree with others that it's not easy to keep coming with posts with an excellent writing style. I too visit your blog at least once a day and totally hooked to it.

Keep them coming and congrats once again. :)


At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work..


At 1:08 PM, Blogger Balaji said...

preethi, glad to hear this blog's part of ur daily reading :)

glad, thanx :)

kumari, yep remember u telling me the same thing in your 1st comment. one of the nicest comments i've got :)

sirnapper, thanx :)

vee-jay, thanx :)

prakash, i've always said the time u have expands to fit everything u really really wanna do. but will accept the patience part :)

karthik, just not many albums that really excited me recently. but now there r a few and u should see a few reviews in the next few weeks...

mitr, thanx :) and hope u enjoy patterson as much as i do. his new books r not as good as his older ones but he still delivers good, fast reads...

bart, thanx :) not sure what promises i've made though. but do plan to keep this up for now...

raju, thanx. actually i never noticed those 2 other things u mentioned. or i may have mentioned them :) and yeah, i do remember ur 1st post on kamal. i've been a regular reader on ur blog too :)

raam/sriram, thanx :)


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