
Kuselan is an attempt at marrying a down-to-earth story revolving around emotions and Rajni's superhero image. In other words, it tries to offer something to Rajni fans as well as others, something that doesn't usually happen in movies featuring Rajni as the hero. Both those elements have been treated satisfactorily and mixed together well. Unfortunately, quite a few more elements have been thrown into the mix to make the movie a complete commercial package and none of those work. As a result, Kuselan works only in parts.
To be continued...
Rajnikanth has sought an apology with the sole motive to ensure the smooth release of Kuselan in Karnataka.
His ‘U’ turn is a disgrace not just to him but also to his fans,’ Sathyaraj said with an unconcealed sense of disgust in his words.
Sathyaraj also ventured to say, ‘If Kannada organisations threatened to stall the release of my movie there, I would happily compensate my producers and distributors from my own pocket rather than apologise to them’.
Even if am a Rajni fan ,am ashamed of this ...
thalaivaa kavuthitiye..............
dude.. rajni is known to do that.
There were lots of murmurs when Rajni started investing lot more in Karnataka than in TN back in the days.
Do you know what he did? He quietly stopped investing for a few days and picked up back again when KN industrialists requested him to.
and BTW I am not from TN, but from KN and have lived in both the states.
i read in sify's review that he has only 36 mins of screentime. guess the superstar had his way, after all (he said, at the launch, that it would be 25% him, 50% pasupathi, 25% kosuvathi...chi, vadivelu!)
looks like this will get a 2-star rating from u...
waiting to see ur take on the acting of pasupathi and the aura of rajni...
I was also disappointed at Rajini's apology to those Kannada groups. I would have accepted if some other lesser mortal did that to save his film/career and sacrifice his pride/ego for it. But Rajini doesn't need to do this. If he was worried about his producer's revenues, he should have thought twice before making those statements. I don't personally think Rajini should be responsible for compensating his producers for his actions off the screen. If he was really concerned for his producers, he should have compensated them instead of backtracking his stance. I personally saw nothing wrong in the way he spoke in that fast about Hogenekkal issue. He was there to fight for Tamils cause for the water issue because he thought what was being done in Karanataka to Tamils was wrong (Tamils being targetted in Karnataka during water wars). Now if he apologises for those statements, it just means to me that he is compromising on his own principles for the sake of his movie's revenues. Rajini should learn a lesson or two on the art of diplomacy off-screen from Kamal.
Now that the movie is release, let us enjoy the movie and Rajini the actor on-screen and not off it ;)
Reviews have been along expected lines, Balaji. What else can we expect with P.Vasu? I sincerely wish this is his last movie with Thalaivar.
The premier show here in Seattle was canceled at the last minute and I am yet to watch the movie :( Will be watching it tonight. The fact that Thalaivar comes only for 36 mins in the movie will be a letdown for many of his fans, since 60 mins is what I was kind of thinking of.
Whether Rajini is there for 36 minutes or 60 monutes, his presence is felt throught the movie. Once the movie ends, the only thing that you remember is Rajni's presence. Thought slightly overglorified, with almost everyone in the cast singing praise of Rajini. If the director had toned down all that, the film would have much better.
Rajnikanth in his so called apology said the words he used (KICK THEM stupid petty politicians)was inappropriate and that he would be careful in future. I see nothing wrong with that. But I guess media is going to make him a public villian for a while until he figures out another way to get over this thing.
let me know what you guys think
Can't agree with you more. Even back then when he spoke those words, most of us thought that he should not have used those words. And now, he has rightfully 'apologized' for the same which is perfectly fine with us. Can't understand what the hullabaloo is all about.
/// Rajnikanth in his so called apology said the words he used (KICK THEM stupid petty politicians)was inappropriate and that he would be careful in future
He should have told this long back and not when his movie releases :), thats the whole point.
Or he should have remained silent. Whats the big deal if the movie is not released in Karnataka.
In these days even simbu movie runs, I don't see any problems with a Rajini movie crossing 50+ days in other places it's screened
Filbert and the other huge Rajni fans - If some other actor had done the same, I am sure you would understand what the hullabaloo is about.
//He should have told this long back and not when his movie releases :), thats the whole point.//
Exactly! People may now suspect Rajini as opportunistic or business minded person, which I'm afraid he is, instead of someone with genuine thoughts! Haven't seen Kuselan yet but based on the SIFY review I guess I can wait for the VCD... :) The prime reason for that is P. Vasu! :(
anon/sozzler/maverick, haven't seen or read the text of his 'apology'. will comment after that :)
ram, yep, 2 stars :)
filbert, was wondering why there was nothing about 'kuselan' in ur blog :) i agree with skanda. it does 'feel' like thalaivar is for a lot more than 36 mins :)
vthink, i read something like that at rajinifans.com too. have to read more today :)
srivasan, but he did say something a while back about not insulting people, talking only about politicians, apologizing if prominent personalities ask for it, etc., right? so the timing of the apology is only because the protests also started only now, before 'kuselan's release, I think :)
Karnataka's rights matter for just Rs.1.5 crores.Rajini could've as well compensated from his huge salary for that instead of these apologies etc. and tarnish his good image.
Sid, I am not sure what you are trying to say. If any other actor (other than Thalaivar) had done this, nobody would have even given a damn and we would not be discussing it here. Like I said in my last comment, my question about why all this fuss was mainly bcos I do think that there is nothing wrong in what he said.
Srivatsan, Thalaivar explained his Hoganekkal speech to the Kannada people right after the fast was over. So, its not like he waited to do this until the release date was around. He had to do this now again, bcos even his letter to the Kannada Film Association did not yield a peaceful solution.
And the worst year for Tamil Cinema continues, I don't see anything interesting in pipeline too :) I had little hope on Kuselan because of P.Vasu.
Looks like even Superstar could make BB give more than 2 stars :(
Rajni's image is being torn to bits here by the media.....he is being portrayed as a selfish,oppurtunistic coward...there also have been massive protests against him...
The problem is... nobody sees Superstar as just that ... a star.
No star is free from guilt of over zealous statements (I personally think, his grasp of tamil sort of contributed to & limited his choice of words at the rally), outrageous image rights, obscene monetary gains and the demi god divine status bestowed on him (not seen anywhere else though).
For whatever reasons, I am certain all this will be water under the bridge when his Robo opens.
I watched Kuselan yesterday at Mayajaal. I would say it is pretty average fare. Rajini's screen presence albeit for 30 odd minutes is the only saving grace. Nothing much to write home about.
Bl**dy Rajnikanth acting in such a disgraceful way. What a selfish act! The movie should be banned. It should run only in Karnataka. FLOP movie. Rajni sucks BIG time!!
-> Hermione.
Well, Satyaraj can afford to compensate his (fictitious) Karnataka Distributors - why? 'cos he doesnt have a market there, my dear Watson. How much would a Satyaraj Film sell for in K'tka? 10Lakhs? 1 Lakh?10000 Rs.?
Peanuts for even Satyaraj.
So he can afford to take the high road and make these lofty claims.
While 1.5 crores would be peanuts for Rajni,too, and he certainly could have avoided an apology and compensated his distributors, the likes of Satyaraja taking the moral high ground is nauseating?
It is a clear case of stomach burn.
on second thoughts, how much would satyaraj movies sell for in TN, in the first place? 2 Lakhs? 1 Lakh?
And I say this as a non-fan of post Mullum Malarum Rajni
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