Pooda Poodi Promos

Looks like Simbhu has finally realized that the best way to make people look forward to his film is to hide his face! But jokes apart, these are some very fresh and creative promo posters for the otherwise unattractively-named Poodaa Poodi (this is definitely one of those movies for which people are gonna have a lot of trouble coming up with the English spelling!). Hope the movie shows atleast some of the creativity on display in these stills.
Simbu's projects somehow never eke even the slightest of interests... If the title & its spelling isn't bad enuf, the caption below, "the dandanakka couple", kills any little hopes. The promo pics are attractive indeed. Good eye Balaji.
I read somewhere that the title was changed to thiru. pooda and thirumathi. poodi?! They cud've taken the title from Chimp's last movie hit number - "Kutti pisasum, kollivaai pisasum..."
All said, maybe there will be a cameo song & dance routine from Papa Karadi for beloved Chimpu Magan. That will fully satisfy the throngs of fans who worship both father & son Pisassus!
reminds me of the line from the "sethu" title song: "Eyy...senjatha udu...ipo seyyapordha sollu!"
simbhu seems to follow parthiban's path when it comes to gimmicks...parthiban has had eye catching banners, hoardings and launches for all the films that he's produced under his banner...that the films themselves have failed is a sad point :-( just hope simbhu does justice to his talent the way he did in Manmadhan...he is overdoing the "star" bit while ignoring the actor in him...
I could never stand this guy, don't know why??? The promo poster do look good though!
dhanush gave movie called Thiruda Thirudi... I thought that ttile was silly... So, now Simbhu giving title poda podi... This is worse... Idhellam enga poi mudiyumnu theriyale...
Stranger, please dont lose patience with these guys...next thing u know Papa TR will direct a movie titled, "kurangu sirangu" :-D
i wonder whether this title would get tax exemption or not...does not seem like a respected tamil title to me...but i still have no hope and the tilte suggest that Simbhu is once again would play the srrogant spoil brat who has no respect for anyone kinda role again!!!
Though the promo stills look awesome, I have no hopes on this guy. Vallavan, IMHO, is easily the worst movie I have seen in the last few years. So, unless he works under a director who can reign him in, nothing is going to change what I expect from a Simbhu movie.
Balaji I am SUPRISED you have not said anything about the launch of Kuselan's website. :D
Is there a current ban on actresses showing their navel in movies?
bart, actually, its the movie's name and the tagline that got my interest.they may be silly but they do point to something other than another self-glorifying masala film from simbhu :)
anon, scary even thinking about that scenario :)
ram, that part about overdoing the star bit will probably apply to most of our stars today! but u're right in that simbhu did do real good in 'manmadhan' :)
slogger, i'm sure a lot of people feel exactly like u do :)
skanda, lets hope not :)
filbert, this one is directed by someone new, i think. and the title and tagline suggest a youthful romantic story. lets wait and see :)
sivajini, i thot it was launched by indiaglitz? they do the same thing on all sites with some fancy flash graphics, a synopsis in bad english and a few photos. will check it out to see if this is any different :)
did get ur email btw. will reply to it soon :)
anon, why this interesting question? but answer is a definitely No based on movies like 'silandhi' and 'kathavarayan' :)
if u look closely the ppl in the promo fotos are not simbu nor the heroine.They seem to be caucasian models.I think these pixs are lifted from some where.
It is done by Indiaglitz, nothing new. I just thought since it was a Rajini film, you'd be all over that. Besides, the music is out on Raaga and you have not mentionned that either. Hence, my genuine suprise.(It's strange when I find out Rajini related info on my own and not from your blog) :D
Well I was watching a song from Dhanush's new movie...and the naval part of the girl in that song was blured out. Also if you see the pictures from kuselan, they are also covered there.
What!! No navel displays in tamil movies!!?? Shouldn't the moral polices in Kollywood organise street protest against this? What travesty to our culture and customs!! Where are the champions of Tamil culture who were against titles like Sandiyar and English titles??? Now they say no more navel displays... what's next? No more rain songs/dances, wet sarees, item numbers... where is all this heading !! AANDAVAA ....
Title of his next movie :
yenga thala sombuva ,sorry simbuva pathi thapa pesathingapaa avar intha padathulaaa TR KUDA act pannaporar.First time both dad and son karadis are working togather as a team after he had become hero .its going to be fun sombu and sombus dad :) the film will have a look of a zoo were two karadis are performing
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