Big Sister - Baby Brother

We're pretty glad we had a girl first. Her maternal instincts firmly in place, 'big sister' takes of her 'baby brother' just so well. She is always cuddling him or playing with him when he's around and when we explicitly ask her to take care of him, she doesn't let him out of her sight for even a single second.
But that said, if we did leave Karthik completely in Kavya's care, that guy's gonna have some serious identity issues when he grows up! He's already been forced to wear princess crowns, sport pink glasses and play with Barbie. We're not sure what other girly toys Kavya's gonna force him to play with until he can speak up for himself and ask for trains and G.I.Joes. But we do plan to draw the line if she ever starts applying make-up for him :-)
Beautiful..very cute!
such a cute pic!
Karthik looks like one of those farex/cerelac/johnson&johnson babies :)
you're lucky to have an in-house babysitter...
awww.. they are so adorable!!!
and Karthik does look like a J&J baby.. cho chweeeeet!
Sema Cute BB, KK!
Dhristi Suththi pOdungo, Balaji! :-)
u r right about big sis trying to thrust her toys on her lil bro.. But as time goes on.. the opposite happens too.. In another 3-4 years maybe kavya will be running aroung the house with a toy gun.. thats what happened to me !!!!
n e wayz.. roomba cute sis-bro.. drishiti suthu podungo..
Kannu pada poguthaiyya Balaji..
Suththipoda vendumaiyya Balaji..
nice pic, beautiful smiles, one elegant and one innocent.
Who knows, you might have a double identity issue ;-)
nice Photo.
Looks CUTE and ADORABLE.!!!
very cute pic!!
Aww... cute! Guess, big sisters are always dominating(my poor brother underwent all those dress-up tortures!)
Incidentally, it is Queen Elizabeth's (80th) birthday today and you've put up pictures of 'unga veetu' Crown Prince and Princess!!!
How cute! You guys are blessed! Absolutely adorable.
BTW, I had a couple of comments in your 'VV Audio Function Snapshots' post.
BB, yaen jumbles total-aa niruthiteenge...too time-consuming, is it?
Very adorable, Karthik especially looks cute with his crown and i am sure in a couple of years he would start asking for his trains, super man toys etc.
great photo, made my day.
I am reminded of this line from the classic "chinna chinna kaNNanukku" song - "piLLaiyaai irundhuvittaal illai oru thunbamada".
Hahaha!!! How adorable!
I dont see him complaining.. so why are you? =P.
With my nephew, it was my sister who kept dressing him up with cute lil girlie clothes and what not...
Lil Karthik is going to follow his akka's footstep for a while when he's "aware" as well, cuz you know how the lil ones are.. always looking up to their older siblings.. "i want to be like youuuuuuu" :)
What else to say, Balaji? Sooooo beautiful a picture. The crowns make them all the more cuter. No wonder they say that a baby is God's most beautiful & wonderful creation. And yeah, I have to second what Sandya and Karthik have mentioned earlier.
Enadhu Anbulla Arumai Akka
Poattu Vittaa Pudhu Sokkaa
Queen madhiri iruppaa Shoakkaa
Appa friend ram oru andangaakkaa
avan range meeri aasapadarthu Ms. Jyothika...
There couldn't have been a better way to kickstart a wonderful weekend :) Lovely pics.
Cho Chweet :D
Cute Photo. Seems like karthik is ready for/enjoying this snap than Kavya.
Cute kids.. Preserve the picture for them :)
prasanna, thanx! and yeah, we gotta watch very carefully as they grow up, atleast until he can say no to her dresses :)
Sri, thanx :)
deepa, thanx. we do have to keep an eye so she doesn't get overexcited and so she's not a complete babysitter yet. but yeah she's getting there :)
jaimi, welcome and thanx :)
ram, thanx :)
sandya, grandparents vandhaa they will do that first thing i think :)
vidya, interesting! but the good thing is that that is ok. then she'll just be called a tomboy. there'll be a lot worse names if karthik plays with girly toys :)
karthik, thanx :)
munimma, i hope not :)
rishi, thanx :)
kuttichuvaru, thanx :)
me too, amazing how u always manage to find these interesting links :) glad it turned out to be timely :)
missy, thanx! and i did see the comments since i get an email for all comments. just havent had time to respond yet :)
ram, yeah. and since i replaced my laptop, i lost the template i was using for creating them. just havent had the time to recreate them...
mitr, considering his toys these days, i can't wait for him to ask for trains and superman :)
vijay, glad to hear that. seeing their faces always makes my day. so happy it worked out for u today :)
merino, lol. sure he's smiling but we dont know what he's thinking :)
but when the day comes when he starts imitating kavya, i'm sure she'll be irritated and want him to stop :)
filbert, yep they definitely are :)
kumari, thanx :)
packer, yeah he enjoys all the snaps a lot. he just has to look @ the camera and he starts smiling :)
bart, yes i definitely plan to. i'm sure karthik'll have a good laugh over it when he's grown up :)
very cute..
Awww theyre so cute ;) but like me too said wait till he grows up and little princes becomes gi jane ;p i was running around with guns and dresing up barbie in combat clothes - while playing football and wrestling the bros and cousins!
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