
After two movies based on personal vendetta, director Perarasu throws a little social consciousness into the mix in his third film Tirupathi. So, while the hero is still on a mission at a personal level, he also attempts to provide the antidote to one of the wrongs prevalent in society. Not that this makes much of a difference to the quality of the movie. It is just as crass, crude and commercial as his earlier movies though the second half, which focuses solely on action, fares relatively better than the vulgar first half.
Tirupathi(Ajith) runs a sound service shop, providing audio sets and pre-recorded songs for functions and other public events. Soori(Riyaz Khan), a minister's son is his close friend and Tirupathi doesn't hesitate to do his dirty work for him. When a doctor's greed leads to tragedy in Tirupathi's life, he goes after the doctor. When Soori stands up for the doctor for his own reasons, Tirupathi turns against his friend also.
Tirupathi makes us wish that Perarasu could be banned from including romance in his movies. Ajith's romance with Sadha plays absolutely no part in the film and Sadha's role is completely expendable. I mean, she is not even kidnapped so that she can be saved by Ajith nor is she used by the villains to threaten him. But inspite of this, Perarasu is compelled to include her to make Tirupathi a complete masala film and gives us one of the most distasteful romances in a long time. The whole romance is developed around something that needs to be kept completely private and treated with decency but instead, is brought out into the open and treated in a vulgar manner.
Once the personal vendetta part is set up, the movie completely pushes romance to the background to focus on action(Sadha appears in only 1 song sequence in the entire second half). And Perarasu proved in Tiruppaachi that he is a halfway decent filmmaker when it comes to picturizing action. As the film shifts to a one-on-one battle of wits between Ajith and Riyaz Khan, Ajith's plans turn out to be a good mix of both brain and brawn. Though exaggerated and simplistic, they are based on some crowd-pleasing, good ideas (the way he uses a bomb and a pill to achieve one of his aims is especially clever). But Perarasu doesn't know when to stop and the climax drags on for way too long.
The tragedy in Ajith's life paves the way for the social angle to the film as he begins trying to get a new law passed. The law itself seems sensible and topical and adds some respect to the film. But Ajith doesn't make himself too likeable when he opts to go with his friend instead of his pregnant sister. And its not too convincing when Ajith and his family, after their tragedy, go to a play where Ajith ends up dancing on stage with Laila(she has an item number)!
One thing Perarasu did well in his earlier movies was provide a good buildup for his hero. But even that is lacking here. Ajith's entrance is disappointingly low-key and amateurishly picturized. His punchline lacks power too. Perarasu actually gives himself more buildup as he ill-advisedly appears as an auto driver and fights with some bad guys. He looks ridiculous as he shakes his hands and delivers punches and kicks and his monotonous dialog delivery doesn't help either. After seeing Perarasu here, we can say that S.J.Suryah has a serious contender for the title of 'The Most Egotistic Director'.
Apart from romance, the other thing Perarasu badly needs some training in is how to picturize song sequences. Sure Bharadwaj has delivered some unremarkable tunes but the director has no clue on how to present them on screen. The duets all have Ajith and Sadha(more the former than the latter) wear ridiculous costumes(big coolers, thick-lensed glasses, bell bottoms and floral-designed shirts, to name a few) and execute ridiculous steps in the name of dance. The song sequences in Tirupathi would make a non-smoker take up smoking just so he could take a cigarette break!
Ajith doesn't look as haggard as he did in Paramasivan but still has to put on some weight to look naturally healthy. But he looks more convincing mouthing all those threats and punchlines than before. Sadha looks good in the few scenes she is present. No one else in the cast really stands out and Riyaz Khan, 'Pyramid' Natrajan and Livingston fit their roles.
thanks for the review balaji. i wonder what makes perarasu think that he is popular enough to play cameos?! and someone tell him a cameo is supposed to be brief and not last a good 20 mins complete with fights. and a cameo is supposed to be played by someone who is recognisable. my friend who watched the movies thought he was a real auto driver whom they roped in to play the role. poor ajith. i hope godfather turns out to be better for him.
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So can we say another director who delivers his creative worst because there is some supernatural force which doesn't want Ajith to make a comeback?
Far too many coincidences
Ravikumar, Lingusamy, Vasu and now Perarasu....and Bala is next
This is a conspiracy :)
anon, my question exactly! it was ok in 'sivakasi' where he provided buildup for vijay. but it just seemed silly here to see him come in for an unconnected fight.
pagalak, interesting take! sad part is that inspite of 'tirupathi' being so bad, i'm not sure it is perarasu's creative worst!!
skanda, "the romantic prrtion made me want to puke" - perfectly put. my sentiments exactly :)
i have a feeling that this movie will do well in spite of the -ve reviews...somehow the audiences seem to lap up stuff that's dished out in the name of "masala." remember being furious in jan '03 when Dhooll did well and Anbe Sivam flopped!
so, whoz the winner in the Varusha Porappu films race?
bb, what was so disgusting abt the romance? dont have to go into graphic detail but just curious what made you and skanda "want to puke" so I know when to have a vomit bag ready while watching the film!
I saw the movie yday. For masala films, we should not see the logics. If we are seeing logics, then we can't watch Rajni, Vijay and Perarasu films. As I said in my posts, Perarasu is following SPMuthuraman formula, which gave huge success for Kamal and Rajni.
And the screenplay also not as good as Tirupatchi, it will pull normal cinema-goers..and this time the hero is different..If Vijay acted in this film, there is a chance of fail..It is different base for Ajith..Ajith didn't acted in this type of movie in his career..
And also, Headlines Today movie channels reported that after Rajni only Ajith has capability have great opening..
But your views are correct. And also, not ahowing clippings/songs in channels, will surely affect BO.
Because still many people doesn't know about other new year films PK, AIBI, TP..
I don't buy this Perarasu, Vijay aaludaa business.. if so, Vijay should have signed Murasu blindly.. but it doesn't look like Vijay did that at the first possible opportunity.
If anything, what it looks like right now is Perarasu is trying to create an acting career for himself... honestly, I really doubt he will bag Kamal's next movie.. Kamal doesn't do crass commercial films like he used to and I don't think Kamal would have to resort to C-grade directors anyway.. I'd rather see him do a comedy with Singeetham Srinivasarao anyday!..
ram, 'dhool' could be considered a class movie compared to 'tirupathi'. anyways, regarding the romance, the starting point is sadha lying to ajith "naan innum vayasukku varalai". so every dialog and scene after that revolves around that...
bhuvan, i liked his over-the-top excesses in 'tiruppaachi' but thats it. i found 'sivakasi' to be vulgar and crass and most of all, boring.
karthik, i wasnt looking for logic since it was a perarasu film. but a film has to be interesting and entertaining to make us overlook the lack of logic. this one wasnt. as i said, i found 2nd half to be a bit entertaining but the 1st half was bad enuf to negate all that.
siva, thats exactly what i felt about 'tiruppaachi'. he portrayed vijay as an angry young man very well in the 2nd half.
sandya, i'm sure his friend was joking. i'm sure perarasu wont kill his career by directing a flop even if he was vijay's man. but i agree with u on kamal doing his movie. he is too lowclass for someone like kamal. kamal does lighthearted films but they r never as crude as perarasu's films...
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