
Continuing the tradition for the third year in a row, we had the Halloween party at our place today. We had more participants than last year and so, as you can see from the photo above, more jack-o-lanterns. But with a couple of newbies and some of the kids attempting carving for the first time, the jack-o-lanterns were a bit more conservative compared to the last couple of years.
After the pumpkin carving, we dressed the kids up in their costumes. With superheroes, princesses, an astronaut, a monster and a pumpkin, they sure made a cute and colorful bunch! Now all thats left is to go trick or treating with Kavya and Karthik Tuesday night...
Happy Halloween!
Pumpkin photo ellaam seri dhaan.. but for posterity, we only want see the kids' costume photos. Adhu engay Balaji?..
Have a great Halloween.. (off subject, I hope "Vallavan" didn't turn out to be an early Halloween at the theater over last weekend!.. Couldn't help mentioning it, as I have already guessed you went to see it last weekend for sure! :-)
Mahalakshmi is a Forest Fairy ('Vana Devathai' as she proudly claims! :-).. Going to pick up a couple of pumpkins to carve tomorrow.. It would be the first time she would actually remember carving a pumpkin.. Should be fun!..
sandya, didn't get many good pics of K & K in their costumes today. hopefully, i get some good ones when they go trick or treating tue. night...
yes, i did see 'vallavan'. and yes, it was an early halloween :)
have fun carving :)
Balaji, I did warn you :)
Will write in more comments as your review comes out... (a 1 star movie after a long time?)
k & k are two of the cutesttt kids i've seen! do post pics of them from tue evening...
have fun trick or treating!
just curious-- do parents, when asked by kids the question "trick or treat," ever say "trick!" or do they always settle for the candy?!
Happy Halloween!
Check out Actress Jythika at Actresses Padmini and Srividya's memorial day:
Maybe this is Jythika's halloween thing.
halloween was always my favorite holiday growing up, hope your children enjoy it as much as i did! can't wait to see the kids' costumes.
ohhh sounds fun - but but children in costume photos pls ;p
Very funnny Comments.
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