Tragedy... and Bravery

But I wish to highlight here the act by Rekha that highlights both society's neanderthal attitude when it comes to the equality of women and her courage in standing upto that attitude. A lifelong advocate of gender equality, Viji extracted a promise from her daughter that she would conduct her last rites upon her death. But Rekhs faced great obstacles in her wish to honor the promise she made to her mom. More than 25 priests refused to assist her in her act since only sons are supposed to perform the last rites and she was even threatened with excommunication from her own Brahmin community. Unfazed by all that and with moral support from her dad, her husband and her in-laws, she found a more liberal priest who helped her conduct the last rites and keep her promise to her mom.
My condolences to Rekha and her family in this time of great personal tragedy. At the same time, I greatly admire her resolution in keeping her word to her mom and fighting, in her own way, the bias against women that still rears its ugly head periodically. Twisting Neil Armstrong's words just a little, I feel that it was a small step for her but a giant leap for womankind. Her mom would've been proud.
Do let Rekha know what you feel through your comments... As I mentioned, she does read all comments. And anybody who wishes to convey their feelings more personally can email me at bbalaji [at] sbcglobal [dot] net and I will forward the same to Rekha.
I didn't realize these 2 Rekhas were one and the same. My condolences to her. I read about them yesterday, don't remember where. Great lady indeed. Not many of us can translate thoughts to actions! Must have been hard on them especially since it happened away from home.
May god give her all the strength to let this personal loss pass..
I read about this honorable lady today..somewhere. Felt sad about the priest who refused. What kind of people are thes a-----s.!
God bless her soul.! And God give the family the courage to pass thru this difficult phase in life.!
I read this in teakada. Heartful condolences to rekhs.
Very sorry to hear about this. My heartfelt condolences to Rekha and her family.
My deepest condolensces. I cant say more than what balaji has said. What you have done is a new beginning. Hats off to you and people who supported you in this hour!
My condolences to Rekha and her family. Hope they get over this tragedy in time. Take care.
I read about this elsewhere, very brave of Rekha.
My heart felt condolences to Rekha and her family.
I offer my heart felt condolences.
Hindu society needs more of such brave souls.
My condolences to Rekha and her family and hats off too!
hey guys...what i did was a very small drop compared to what my mom was doing..a mid wife is paid a mere Rs 20 to bury a girl baby alive in bihar,new born baby,just cos she is a girl!!amma and appa have been visiting every village there and saying "i will give u 100 rupees dont kill the baby bring her to adithi"( their NGO) and have been t/c of the babies and giving them for adoption..
She has raised the economic level of ONE LAKH TWENTYFIVE THOUSAND FAMILIES... and inspired ppl in mexico argentina brazil chile china serbia australia portugal london besides follow her footsteps..
this was the LEAST I CLD DO to let her soul rest in peace..
Even if five daughters do, what i did on 13th june, and all the subsequent ceremonies i will b overwhelmed and happy..
thanks a ton for ur prayers and msgs,
tho i wld have pref being just
"rekhs" who writes here..
it rejuvenates me despite my heavy heart and sadness that seems to be my eternal shadow.. my dad is unconsolable and i am still dazed, feel she is visiting a funding agency in leeds and will be home soon:(
time they say is the best healer..
isnt it sad then we fight abt so many petty stuff or crib abt so many non-essentialities in our daily lives!!!and lash out to the ones dearest to us...
if u love some1 be it spouse,
parent, sibling ,child ,dont hesitate to say so.. give a hug rt away... it speaks volumes!!!and goes a long long way...
my mom and i shared such a special wonderful bond i have lost one of my oldest best friends
...and during the worst week in my life in bhopal where she was admitted and her health was failing
i kept telling myself mayb god needs her by his/her side to strengthen his/her camp!!!
amma wld object if i ever ref to god in masculine gender alone:)
that thought of mine gave me the courage besides the many prayers/calls/smses i got fm all over the world...
thanks balaji...i appreciate u wanting to spread this msg abt my amma.
My condolences to the family
my thoughts r with u , rekha .... all said & done , grief is a v private thing and it is a cross u bear alone ...... but try to take solace in the fact that she lived a worthy life and u had her by ur side , and always will, in spirit.
my sincerest condolences to both u & ur father , & my prayers that ur mum rest in peace ......
my thoughts r with u , rekha .... all said & done , grief is a v private thing and it is a cross u bear alone ...... but try to take solace in the fact that she lived a worthy life and u had her by ur side , and always will, in spirit.
my sincerest condolences to both u & ur father , & my prayers that ur mum rest in peace ......
My Concolences to you & yr father and others in the Family.
You are privilegded indeed to have a mom like Mrs.Viji.
She will remain a great inspiration to one and all
My condolences to Rekha. Hats off to you for performing the last rites for your mom inspite of the probelms faced.
So nice of you friends. You have imparted grace to that gracious wise active young sister of mine.
Fame is the food for the dead. My akka viji will neither die nor be starved of a humane tributes.
The first Anniversary is nearing.
I had the priviledge of being very close to her in her life and works since 2003 .
Although i am a born bihari ~ it was Viji who inspired me to see Bihar and greatly helped me strike my roots.
After viji , no social worker /Entrepreneur is interesting.
Viji you are Great
Dear Rekha,
My heart felt condolences to you and your father.I have been trying to get in touch with you since last year !!!! I had called up Adithi at Patna emailed but there was no response.I had the privilege to travel with your mother in nov- Dec 2004 to Jharmundi and near by places for my dissertation. She went on to later help my cousin to adopt a baby girl.
I had promised to get back to PAtna andowrk on a craft development project and teach the women to bake pizzas in August 2005 during my holidays.It was never meant to be.I am unable to expresses the loss , I felt that I had just found the person of my dreams whom I could emulate ... I shall always pray for her.. she is special.Time heals they say.... but I dont know ... how is the void filled?
Wish I could meet you in person too.
My best wishes and prayers to you all
Deepa MAdhavan
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