Ilaiyaraja's Thiruvasagam Symphony Released

Ilaiyaraja's long-awaited 'Thiruvasagam in Symphony' CD was released on June 30 in Chennai. Function was attended by, among others, Rajnikanth, Kamalhassan, Bharathiraja, Vaiko and N.Ram. Here are a few links on the release fuction that I enjoyed reading (Speeches of Rajnikanth and Vaiko are especially interesting)
Tamilcinema [Tamil font required]
Indiaglitz has lots of photos
Balaji is one of the bloggers I read who was lucky enough to attend the event
Sureshkumar has a review up at
The official website doesn't have any details of the function yet but you can order the CD from there...
aa pakka newpaper blog...lovely...
lotsa information
Yes Balaji.. interesting speech by Rajini..
"The happiness of Chandramukhi running houseful for the first few weeks is not there anymore"... Did he mean that every happiness lasts only for a while (general funda) or is it Anniyan effect on box office? :-) I am sure dailies in tamil nadu would have screamed headlines with Rajini's comments.. Hope it doesnt become an issue that he has to answer elaborately
super.. i ordered yesterday itself..
It is interesting to see a medley of characters on the stage and when I looked at another photo regarding this (at another blog), I realized that one of the greatest accomplishments of the Thiruvasagam effort has been to bring together a diverse set of people on a common platform. Ilayaraja must have felt a greater sense of satisfaction over this than anything else he has done so far.
a follow-up to the fab five discussion...just got this as a gift:
have ordered the symphony CD...cant wait to listen to the songs...but quite my friend said that the early reviews havent been flattering...
thanks for dropping by.
When I read all these things surrounding TIS, we often have this self patting mutual admiration club thing going on.
But the album needs more marketing and reach otherwise its going to be a problem. And people need to understand what is Thiruvasagam, have to study the lyrics observe the meanings and then it will imbibe in their soul forever.
So many noble souls in US people like Dr.Shankar Kumar and Sreedhar Seetharaman have spent hours and hours of their time to help TIS hope these people also get their recognition.
I have also blogrolled you.
I am also waiting for CD&DVD after taht porumaiya i will write a review.
Visit they have sound samples of TIS
Balaji...You are the best..! Thanks for giving so many good links...!
"but quite my friend said that the early reviews havent been flattering..."
ram, reviews where?
vijay, have no idea...he said that the buzz in Chennai (at least among his circle of bloggers there) was that its not all that good for all the hype...again, all this is hearsay...will post my opinions once i receive the CD
sophia, thanx for visiting :)
gp, i'm pretty sure he meant only 'general funda'. anniyan's success is nowhere near CM's and rajni is known for his spiritual comments in speeches...
thennavan, so true. but thinking along those lines, i think this effort should've brought together even more people. but then i don't think anything gets priority over politics in TN.
ram, OT but still... that was a great pic..
ganesh, thanx for visiting. u're right about the lyrics. they've even been translated into english for those having difficulty reading tamil :)
skanda, if i understand it right, ilaiyaraja has put to music some of the poems that make up thiruvasagam. it was then played by an orchestra. others can correct me if i'm wrong :) check out for details.
anu, thanx for visiting :) considering some of the people who r famous today, ilaiyaraja is someone who deserves the spread of his fame!
what is OT?? oseela thinnuttu??!! (Boys)
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