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[Pic Courtesy Mitch Albom's Site]
Just started reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. This is not the kind of book I usually read but an intriguing premise, the author's track record(his previous novel Tuesdays with Morrie was a huge seller too) and the promise of a quick read due to the lesser number of pages made me pick this one up. The book is about Eddie, a ride operator at an amusement park, who dies and goes to heaven, and the five people he meets there. These are people he may or may not know but all five of them have affected his life in one way or another. The book has got great reviews and is supposed to be a "heartwearming, life-affirming book that makes you see the world anew!"
Its an interesting read so far. The author's technique of switching between the past(more than 1 past actually) and the present keeps things moving.
I found it below average.The language is plain and simple.It is more like watching a sentimental chick flick.
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I came across this book too and bought it purely based on the intriguing title. I thought it was a very good read.. It maakes one think of his/her own life.
Have a suggestion for your next read - My Sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult. It's currently in the best seller list in the UK and I thought it tackled a very interesting ethical topic from a very human angle.
aj, books by my favorite authors like Patterson and Deaver are being released in quick succession in the next few months. So I think I'll be reverting back to thriller reads after 'five people...'. But I will definitely keep your suggestion in mind.
This is a great book. I'm pretty sure you'll like it. Enjoy :D
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