First Days
Guest post by Karthik Balaji
Since everything seemed to be fine, Dad and Mom brought me back from the hospital on yesterday. What an ordeal that was, getting strapped into the carseat! But I gotta agree that it was pretty snug once I was strapped in. And then I had to face the back of the car for the ride home. That was weird. Kinda felt like I was going back in time.
My parents had done a good job with my crib. It looked quite regal but cozy and the bedding set had pictures of Winnie the Pooh, my favorite cartoon character in the whole wide world (the fact that don't know any other cartoon characters makes the choice easier). I was all set to wail and create a scene if anything was wrong with it but didnt have much of a reason to complain. They put me in it and once again wrapped me up in some cozy blankets.
I've been home for a couple of days now but don't have much to do. My entire day is spent eating, sleeping and looking cute. My favorite activity by far is to snuggle up in my blankets and snooze. There are just so few times when I am awake and the few times I am awake, I am immediately scooped up by dad, mom or grandma. Not that I blame them!
Mom takes care of my feeding but always unwraps me before the feed. I guess I have to undress before I eat. I sure hope that changes as I grow up. Dad, Mom or grandma take care of the diaper changes. Thats fine with me but the cold wipes afterwards... BRRRRR... those things are COLD, especially on your behind! Another phrase I dont like to hear is "cord care". Dad rubs this cold alcohol pad around my navel and everyone kept talking about some cord falling off. Not something you want to hear.
Thats about it for now guys. Will be back later...
Oh before I forget... I saw on the last post that some of you wanted to see some photos. Here you go. I'm a couple of hours old in the first one and the second one was clicked just as I was ready to get out of the hospital.

What an Angelic face!
Baby Karthik, you are going to grow into a handsome young boy... You might have to pry off women with a crowbar... I know they will be all over you even now, but you cant exactly do anyting about it except convey you are irritated by crying...
What a cutie! Be glad I'm not around or else I'll be one of those people who wont go away even if you pry me of with the crowbar.
Chooooo chhweeeeeeet!!!
karthik, i wanted to write to you but since you're in sound slumber, I decided not to wake u up...will write to u later!
bj, thanks for the quick update...he looks adorrrrrable...!!! wish u and ur family the very best of sure the two Ks will continue to light up your days...and on occasions, ours too:)
Hi Karthik.. u look soo lovely.. Tell amma or paatti for "dhrushti kazhithal"... Have fun!!
Karthik, you are so cute, look at those cheeks :-) I am sure you take after mommy ;-P having known your dad
Nalla mudi, nalla gundu gundu kannam. Very cute.
Winnie the Pooh is my all time fav cartoon niece Sukanya too likes it..u are very cute....atleast u shuldnt watch that many movies like ur dad ok ??;) take aunty's advice...:)
so cuuuuuuute, boy
thank you uncles and aunties :)
munimma aunty, "having known my dad?!" blogla dad photo ethuvum iliye? but anyway, have to admit u're right! i have taken after mommy...
ibh aunty, will try :)
Hello Karthik !
Welcome to our world! I hope u'll find it an interesting place ....
this baby is very cute. he looks like my little brother, when he was born.
from: Merino's niece "Tekla"
she typed it all by herself, except for the 'from: merino blah blah blah, that one I did... =P.
But she's right, the first picture looks exactly like how my nephew was his first couple of days.
tekla, thanx for visiting :) i'm sure u had a lot of fun with your li'l brother.
karthik takes a triple A..
Absolutely Always Awesome!:)
nichyama drishti chuththi pOda chollu:)
he is also in great company..
zodiacwise..Spb sir,mani rathnam and IR :)wishing him and yr family love luck and laughter to last a lifetime and more:)
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